Monday, March 30, 2009
Inhale. All the insecurities, jealousy, hatred, animosity, inhibitions.
Exhale. Sweet life.
Forgive all those who have hurt you before you close your eyes at night.
Forget all your sorrows and leave it for the next lifetime.
Forgo all the annihilation plans.
Foresee your life. Happy. Healthy.
Exhale. Sweet life.
Forgive all those who have hurt you before you close your eyes at night.
Forget all your sorrows and leave it for the next lifetime.
Forgo all the annihilation plans.
Foresee your life. Happy. Healthy.
With Love, Kira.

Sunday, March 29, 2009
im working on saving.
Mui Ne - Vietnam.
Boracay & Palawan - Philippines
Andaman & Nicobar Islands - India
Goa - India
Siem Reap - Cambodia
Lombok - Bali, Indonesia
Simuelue & Mentawai - Sumatra, Indonesia
Krabi, Phuket, Bangkok - Thailand
Boracay & Palawan - Philippines
Andaman & Nicobar Islands - India
Goa - India
Siem Reap - Cambodia
Lombok - Bali, Indonesia
Simuelue & Mentawai - Sumatra, Indonesia
Krabi, Phuket, Bangkok - Thailand
All these within the next 5-7 years. Before im married.
Life's too short. Singapore's too small. Travel.
Life's too short. Singapore's too small. Travel.
With Love, Kira.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

With love, Kira.
Monday, March 16, 2009
i've now overcome my feelings of dread n hatred, abt knowing the many stories n gossips created by the gossip folks at work. im just taking it in stride knowing that these things are common, and is bound to happen to anyone at some point of their career. its just sad that my perspective of certain ppl has changed now. oh wells, there's always karma. their time will come when they will be in my position. sometimes i wish i didnt know what i knew.. not all things are beyond our control. i love me, i love my life, and i love the way i am living it. but there's always room for improvement somewhere, somehow. im always open to the possibilities on improving myself.
i've learnt one thing though. to not let my job rule my daily living as it has always been. my full time occupation is: my LIFE. i thank my parents for giving me that, and so, i wanna live it the best way possible. Family comes first no matter what. and Sham, if ur reading this, u are, a part of my family...
PS:maybe there might be some truth to it.. i can relate to what that somebody had said abt u. cuz at times i experience it myself, from u.
i've learnt one thing though. to not let my job rule my daily living as it has always been. my full time occupation is: my LIFE. i thank my parents for giving me that, and so, i wanna live it the best way possible. Family comes first no matter what. and Sham, if ur reading this, u are, a part of my family...
PS:maybe there might be some truth to it.. i can relate to what that somebody had said abt u. cuz at times i experience it myself, from u.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Di Bali, ada syurga. Di syurga, tiada Bali!
@ Ngurah Rai Intl Airport smoking room. Cool eh? Got fruits and all. Ironic.
Greetings fellow earthlings!
And so here i am. back from my trip to bali. its been 2 weeks now since i left for bali and i've hungered for more since. Bali is just a very peaceful place with friendly local ppl. I love it there. I wanna marry someone there n stay there for good. haha. but then i'll be living a difficult life la! lols. anyways, im planning to visit Bali again in July, making a stop in Sarawak first, den to Lombok and den Bali. How exciting! Im doing all these with minimal wage!
Speaking of which, im seriously underpaid its not even funny.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes friends. Ive had a superb 21st birthday there. I got high, i was pissed out drunk, i was suprised with, i was celebrated, i was appreciated, i was remembered. *smiles. Sham was too sweet, he couldnt find a cake to surprise me with, so he presented me with a trayful of ice creams with 2 big candles n 1 small candle. I was soooooooooo... suprised seriously as i wasnt expecting anything of the sorts. Being in Bali itself is a gift on its own. A gift from myself, to myself. To be able to reach Paradise... Sham was and always be the sweetest boyfriend i sometimes wonder why i take him for granted at times. *smiles. I love you baby.
I met with an accident too, while i was there. see pictures of the wound. God im still nursing the wound and the pain and the bruise. Its funny how the bruise is mapped out like the shape of the island of Bali. hehe. or is it just me? Anyhows, i hit a stationary pick up truck. Thank God, syukur alhamdulillah, nobody was seriously hurt. Nadiah was my pillion. Imagine how freaked out i was during the accident. What if she was hurt? What is the bike is rammed beyond recognition? I have to pay the damages to the bike rental place! So yeah....... I was cushioning the impact of my bike (Nouvo ok? Auto ok? Still can accident. CCB.) hitting the pickup truck with my thigh. That explains the position of my wound. It was just funny that we had been riding from 10 am and everything was smooth sailing and we had the accident at 5.30pm when we wanted to return the bike, shortly before the rental expires at 6pm. Sighs. Just my luck. I just hope it doesnt leave a permanent ugly black mark on my skin.
Post-bali, everything is mundane to me here in SIN city. Heh. Everything is, when u've been to Paradise. aaaaaaaahhh... Paradise..
P.S: sometimes, its just better not knowing the truth than knowing at all.
So what if you people dont like certain things abt me. In the end, u are still the ones who's gonna be stuck with me for the whole shift. U ppl are no better urself. U ppl were just like me when u just started work. Uncomfortable. Unadjusted. Bambi lost in the woods. Blur. Scared. Kan-cheong. Remember that everything that is old, was once new/young. Ur just sore that u see urself in me. And maybe it gives you the high feeling of bitching abt me. Balls to you ppl. NURSING IS POLITICS. and im TIRED of it.